Results for app modernization

Survey: 92% of Enterprises Working on, Planning App Modernization

A survey finds 92% of enterprises are working on or planning an app modernization project, even though most admit an earlier failure. IDN talks with Bob Quillin of Vfunction, the firm that comissioned the study.

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vFunction Updates its AI-Driven App Modernization Platform To Tackle Technical Debt

vFunction is updating its AI-driven app modernization platform.  vFunction Assessment Hub lets companies easily identity and calculate tech debt in legacy Java apps before moving them to the cloud. IDN speaks with vFunction CEO Moti Rafalin.

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vFunction Updates Aim To Accelerate App Modernization Process

vFunction continues to update its platform that can intelligently accelerate how enterprises can transform complex monolithic legacy Java apps into cloud-ready microservices. IDN speaks with Chief Ecosystem Officer Bob Quillin.

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