Results for IT

DreamFactory: Next Chapter in ‘Cool APIs’ May Come with API Automation for App Building

A new dimension of ‘Cool APIs’ in 2017 may be driven by app-centric API automation.  IDN spoke with DreamFactory CEO Bill Appleton about the company’s API automation platform that lets developers assemble apps from a ‘palette’ of reliable, reusable and secure APIs. 

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Data Virtualization Powering Many Dimensions of Digital Transformation: Insights from Denodo

As architects pursue their digital enterprise projects, they are finding data virtualization is proving a valued ally for delivering reliable data integration and data sharing. IDN explores data virtualization use cases across analytics, APIs, cloud, mobile, IoT and more with Denodo execs.

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Showing 181 - 182 of 182


A Standards-Based Authentication & Authorization Framework for Mobile Applications

  • Paul Madsen, Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Mobile IT - Keynote Case Study Panel

  • Antenna Software: Jim Somers, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer & Ken Parmelee, Sr Director Product Management
  • Kii Technology: Miko Matsumura  SVP for Platform Marketing and Developer Relations
  • IBM: Greg Truty, Distinguished Engineer, Chief Architect of Mobile (WebSphere)
  • Kapow Software: Stefan Andreasen, CTO and Founder 
  • Ping Identity: Paul Madsen, Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

IBM Mobile First: Put Your Business in Motion

  • Vijay Dheap: Global Product Manager Mobile Security Solutions

Integrating Cloud & Mobile for the Responsive Enterprise

  • Bruce Tierney - Director of Oracle SOA Suite

APIs are Simply Services'

  • Alistair Farquharson  - CTO

OpenID Connect for the Enterprise

  • Allyn Fay
    Sr. Technical Marketing Manager

Next Generattion MDM

  • Chris McNabb - Director of Product Management
  • Rob Moyer - MDM Product Manager

Ensuring Service Levels in the Cloud

  • Andy Kicklighter - Sr. Principal Product Manager

Citrix Delivers Cloud for Cloud Services and Mobile Work Styles

  • Peder Ulander, VP, Product Marketing Cloud Platforms Group 

The Extended Enterprise – Pitfalls and Payoffs of Conducting Your Business Processes in the Cloud

  • Keith Swenson
    Vice President, R&D

A Standards-Based Framework 4 Cloud Identity

  • Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

SOA Summit Agenda

Supercharge SOA with the Agility of API Management

  • Todd Cramer
    Director, Technical Marketing

“THINK APIs” From SOA to an API Ecosystem

  • Claus T Jensen, PhD
    Chief Architect, SOA and APIs

Interstage Business Operations Platform: A Foundation for Smart Process Applications

  • Keith Swenson - Vice President, R&D; Chief Software Architect

Private Clouds: Controlling a hybrid environment

  • Judith  Hurwitz, President and CEO of Hurwitz & Associates 

Crossing the Next Frontier of BPM: Introducing Process Intelligence

  • Keith Swenson - VP R&D, Chief Architect

What’s New in Oracle Integration - Simplify Integration to Cloud and Mobile

  • Bruce Tierney
    Director – Oracle SOA Suite

Are APIs & SOA Converging?

  • Sachin Agarwal
    Vice President, Product Marketing and Strategy

How to Successfully Implement BPM

  • Pat Pruchnickyj, Product Marketing Director, Talend
  • Jeremy Lipp, Operational Marketing Director, BonitaSoft

Unified IT Management - Monitoring and Service Management Best Practices For Private Cloud and Virtualization

  • Andy Kicklighter, Senior Technical Product Manager

Operational Intelligence For Intelligent BPM Process Visibility Insight and Action

  • Dale Skeen - Co-founder and CTO

Cloud Considerations

  • Name

IBM Worklight 6.2 Overview

  • Patrick Dodd
    Cloud & Smart Infrastructure - MobileFirst


  • Adam Stein
    Vice President for Mobile Product Marketing

Overview of GeoTrusts Mobile IT Resources

  • Vance McCarthy

Introducing the Enterprise Mobile-First Middleware

  • Jesus Rodriguez

3 Keys to Hybrid Cloud Integration Success

  • Dan Oxenburgh - Director of Marketing

Mobility in the Enterprise – a Balancing ACT

  • Paul Madsen
    Principal Technical Architect - Office of the CTO

Low-Code Architecture Essentials for Modern Employee & Consumer Apps

  • Carlos Carvajal CMO
  • Matt Terry SVP Products

Keynote Case Study Panel

  • IBM: Marc-Thomas Schmidt: IBM Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect
  • Dell / Boomi: Rick Nucci - CTO
  • Talend: Pat Walsh - VP, Application Integration Division
  • Kapow Software: Stefan Andreasen - Founder and CTO 
  • Jiiterbit: Dan Oxenburgh - Director of Marketing


Mobile IT Summit Agenda - Oct 2014

Microservices - Challenges and Approaches

  • Ann Marie Bond Senior Manager, Product Marketing

Addressing Investment Decisions for SOA, IT, and the Business

  • Robert Laird - Enterprise Architect SOA Governance and Policy

Your Journey to Mobilizing Your Users - Any App - Anytime

  • James Rendell
    Director, New Business Innovation
    Tyson Whitten
    Director, API Management Solutions

3 Reasons Why a Time Series Platform Should be Part of Your Cloud-Native Application Architecture

  • Navdeep Sidhu Head of Product Marketing

Unleashing SOA - Faster Response to Business Change

  • Hub Vandervoort - CTO for Enterprise Infrastructure

SOA for the Masses

  • Pat Walsh - Vice President Application Integration Division

No Passwords, No Problem: Using WebAuthn To Stop Account Takeover for Browsers

  • Swaroop Sham - Sr. Product Marketing Manager Customer Identity

Applications in the Cloud? Now How Do I Integrate Them Into My Business


  • Pierre Fricke - Director SOA Products


Real-time and Big Data Enabled Service Oriented Architecture

  • Vamsi Chemitiganti -
    Chief Solutions Architect 

Smarter Process: Reinventing Business Operations for Customer-Centricity & Topline Growth

  • Robert Sawyer
    Senior Director, Product Marketing

Best Practices for SOA Governance

  • Alistair Farquharson - CTO

An SSO Project: Uncovering the hidden costs of SSO-enabling your application

  • David Skyberg - Product Manager

SOA Summit Keynote Case Study Panel

Successful Mobile & Cloud Apps Using SOA & WebSphere DataPower Appliances

  • Sid Bhatia -  
    Program Director, Product Management

3 Reasons Why Your Cloud Architecture Should Include a Time Series Platform

  • Navdeep Sidhu Head of Product Marketing

Intelligent Adaptive Processes for a New Digital Era

  • Mala Ramakrishnan
    Director of Product Marketing

Enterprise API Platforms: The Convergence of SOA Governance and API Management

  • Corey Scobie -
    Vice President, Technology 

Mobile IT Agenda 2019

FuseSource: Integration Everywhere

  • Rob Davies -

Fundamentals of Cloud Identity

  • Patrick Harding, CTO

Hybrid Cloud Integration is Coming: Are You Ready?

  • Ross Mason -
    Founder and CTO

10 Things You Need for an Enterprise Digital Incubator

  • Russell Keziere
    Senior Director

Simplifying Integration & SOA in the Enterprise and in the Cloud

  • Bruce Tierney -
    Director for Oracle SOA Suite 

How Case Management Turns BPM on its Head

  • Bob Ragsdale
    Vice President, Marketing

Mobile and Machine-to-Machine Messaging and Big Data

  • Andrew Schofield  - Chief Architect for IBM MessageSight

CLOUD-CON: Financial Services - Case Study Keynote Panel

  • Featured Analyst: Judith Hurwitz, President and CEO, Hurwitz & Associates  
  • Red Hat: Gordon Haff, Cloud Evangelist
  • IBM: Snehal Antani, Private Cloud Strategy & Product Management
  • Ping Identity: Patrick Harding, CTO
  • IBM Cast Iron: Chandar Pattabhiram, VP, Product & Channel Marketing, IBM Cast Iron

Using SOA to Power New Mobile, Cloud & Process Applications

  • Subhash Ramachandran -
    Sr VP, Product Management 

Big Data Governance: A Total Data Management Approach

  • Steve Sarsfield - Senior Product Manager

Case Study Keynote Panel - SOA Summit - August 23 2012



  • [IBM ] Sid Bhatia - Program Director,  Product Management
  • [Software AG] Subhash Ramachandran - Senior Vice President, Product Management 
  • [SOA Software] Corey Scobie - Vice President, Technology 
  • [Red Hat] Vamsi Chemitiganti - Chief Solutions Architect 
  • [Oracle] Bruce Tierney - Director for Oracle SOA Suite. 
  • [FuseSource] Rob Davies - CTO
  • [Talend] Pat Pruchnickyj - Director, Product Marketing
  • [MuleSoft] Ross Mason - Founder and CTO



SAP HANA Smart Data Access

  • John Schitka - Manager, Big Data Solutions

Private Cloud [R]Evolution - Customer Journeys to the Private Cloud

  • Snehal S. Antani - Private Cloud Strategy & Product Management

Agenda Big Data in Motion Summit

Unified IT Management - Monitoring and Service Management Best Practices For Private Cloud & Virtualization

  • Andy Kicklighter - Senior Technical Marketing Manager 

APIs and SOA - Making Money & Preventing Failure

  • Alistair Farquharson - CTO

Transitioning Legacy SOA Platforms to Participate in the New API Economy - GNAX and Intel

  • Andy Thurai - Chief Architect, Application Security and Identity Products

Securing the Exploding Identiverse

  • David Gorton - Platform Product Manager

How Open Source SOA and Integration Middleware enable easier Mobile - Cloud and BPM projects

  • Sameer Parulkar - Product Marketing Manager JBoss Enterprise Middleware

Three Solutions for Simplifying Cloud/On-Premises Integration

  • Bruce Tierney - Director, SOA Suite

SOA for Today Data-Driven Business

  • Pat Pruchnickyj -
    Director, Product Marketing 

SOA Summit Agenda

  • [Oracle] - Bruce Tierney: Director, Oracle SOA Suite
  • [Intel] - Andy Thurai: Chief Architect, Application Security & Identity
  • [SOA Software] - Alistair Farquharson: CTO
  • [Red Hat] - Sameer Parulkar: Product Marketing Manager - JBoss Middleware
  • [Ping Identity] - David Gorton: Platform Product Manager


IBM Mobile Foundation V5.0

  • Dirk Nicol - Program Director for Mobile Strategy and Product Management

Big Data in Motion Summit Agenda

Mobile IT Summit Agenda

  • [IBM] Leigh Williamson - Distinguished Engineer
  • [Intel] Blake Dournaee Product Manager - Expressway Service Gateway
  • [Vision Mobile] Andreas Constantinou, Ph.D. - Managing Director
  • [SOA Software] Alistair Farquharson - CTO
  • [Retriever Communications] Mary Brittain-White - CEO and Founder
  • [Retriever Communications] Damien Moriarty - International Manager
  • [Ping Identity] Scott Tomilson - Technical Product Manager  


Web Security - Going Mobile

  • Maryann Hondo - Sr Technical Staff Member, WebSphere Product Management – Mobile

Using Hadoop to Impact Business as it Happens

  • Jack Norris
    Chief Marketing Officer

Mo Apps - Mo (Identity) Problems

Scott Tomilson  - Technical Product Managere

A Standards-Based Approach for Authentication & Authorization of Mobile Applications

  • Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Resource Center for GeoTrust

Become a Mobile Enterprise Using the IBM Mobile Application Development Lifecycle

Leigh Williamson - Distinguished Engineer

Rocket Mobility Solutions

  • Greg Mummah - Product Manager

APIs – Next-generation SOA

  • Mark O’Neill
    VP Innovation, Axway

Mobile Apps - Accelerate Mobile Development

  Alistair Farquharson - CTO

Enterprise Mobility and SAP Mobile Strategy

  • Jagdish Bansiya - Vice President and CTO, Enterprise Mobility, Sybase (an SAP Company)

SOA & APIs Summit Agenda

Connect Enterprise APIs to Mobile App Dev

Blake Dournaee [Intel] - Product Manager - Expressway Service Gateway Andreas Constantinou, Ph.D. [VisionMobile ] - Managing Director

Survey Results - Mobile App Development Survey

What is the role of SOA in the world of Big Data?

  • Thomas Steinborn
    Sr. Product Manager

Enterprise Mobility: How to Start?

Mary Brittain-White - CEO and Founder Damien Moriarty - International Manager

Agenda - CloudCon: Management & Security

  • [CA] Andy Kicklighter -  Sr. Principal Product Manager
  • [Ping Identity] Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO
  • [Oracle] Jyothi Swaroop - Product Director
  • [Red Hat] Dave Egts - Principal Architect
  • [Red Hat] Chris Wells - Senior Product Marketing Manager
  • [IBM]  Robert Vila - WebSphere Connectivity & Integration Product Management

SOA and API Management

  • Peter Belknap
    Director, Product Management, Oracle

Building a Secure Open Hybrid Cloud

  • Dave Egts - Principal Architect

  • Chris Wells - Senior Product Marketing Manager

Success in the API Economy with Red Hat JBoss

  • Kenneth Peeples
    JBoss Technology Evangelist

Reinventing Business Operations with Smarter Process

Vijay Pandiarajan - Senior Product Marketing Manager, Smarter Process

Securing Mobile - Cloud and API Services

  • Robert Vila - WebSphere Connectivity & Integration Product Management

Bullet-proof your Cloud

  • Jyothi Swaroop - Product Director

Applying a Data-centric Security Strategy to the Cloud

  • Troy Kitch
    Sr. Principal Director, Security Software

Turn IT Disruptors into Real Business Value with BPM

Malcolm Ross - VP, Product Marketing

Ensuring Service Levels in the Clouds

  • Andy Kicklighter - Sr. Principal Product Manager

Security Threats, Frameworks and Mitigation Efforts

  • Peter Allor
    Security Strategist

Driving Innovation with an Improved User Experience

Dan Roberts - Director, BPM Product Marketing

A Standards-Based Framework for Cloud Identity

  • Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Practical Steps to Secure your APIs for Mobile

  • Mark O’Neill
    VP Innovation, Axway

3 Keys to Hybrid Cloud Integration Success

  • Dan Oxenburgh, Director of Marketing

Cloudy with a Chance of Identity

  • Daniel Raskin
    VP of Strategy & Marketing

CyberSecurity Summit Agenda

Technologies for a Data-Centric Security Approach

  • Sudeep Venkatesh
    VP, Solutions Architecture

Mastering All Your Master Data with Dell Boomi MDM

  • Robert Moyer - Product Management

Next Generation Intelligent Applications with BPM

  • Ajay Khanna - Director, BPM Product Marketing

Symantec Resource Center

Harness the Power of Federated Business

  • Loren Russon  - VP of Product Management & Design

CLOUD-CON: Integration - Case Study Keynote Panel

Featured Analyst: David Linthicum - CTO, Blue Mountain Labs

  • His Session:
    Smart, Rapid and Secure Cloud Integration for Enterprise Applications and Data


Mobile IT Summit Agenda

Oracle Mobile Security

  • Dave Smith
    Sr. Principal, for Identity Management and Security

CLOUDCON:Integration Agenda

  • [Ping Identity]: Hans Zandbelt - Technical Architect, Office if the CTO
  • [Informatica]: Darren Cunningham – VP, Informatica Cloud
  • [IBM]: Laura Olson - Product Line Manager, WebSphere
  • [Dell-Boomi]: Chris McNabb - Director of Product Management
  • [Dell-Boomi]: Rob Moyer - MDM Product Manager
  • [SOA Software]: Alistair Farquharson - CTO

Putting APIs First in your Mobile Strategy

  • Ross Garrett
    Sr Director Product Marketing

Big Data In Motion Summit Agenda

  • [MapR]: Jack Norris - CMO
  • [Talend]: Pat Pruchnickyj - Product Marketing Director 
  • [Cloudera]: Clarke Patterson - Sr. Director, Product Marketing

Open New Business Opportunities and Address IT Challenges with IBM API Management

  • Laura Olson - Product Line Manager, WebSphere

Thawte Resource Center

Equip Your Big Data Journey – Deliver all data where - when and how the business needs it

  • Pat Pruchnickyj
    Product Marketing Director

Next Gen MDM

  • Chris McNabb - Director of Product Management
  • Rob Moyer - MDM Product Manager

Evolving Today’s Organization for Mobile Excellence

  • Cathal McGloin
    Vice President, Mobility

Hadoop: Revolutionizing Analytics AND Operations

  • Jack Norris

Why Identity is Key to the Cloud

  • Hans Zandbelt - Technical Architect, Office if the CTO

IBM MobileFirst Platform - Build, Integrate and Scale Great Mobile Apps

  • Curtis Gearhart - Sr Product Mgr
  • Anil Daswani - Product Mgr

Services and APIs - The Respective Roles of SOA and API Management

  • Alistair Farquharson - CTO

Enterprise Data Hub: The Next Big Thing in Big Data

  • Clarke Patterson
    Sr. Director, Product Marketing

New imperatives to reinvent your business operations with IBM Smarter Process

  • Vijay Pandiarajan - Program Director, Product Management, IBM Smarter Process

Harness Data Services To Cut Integration Time, Complexity

  • Ciaran Dynes - Senior Director at Talend 

SOA Summit Agenda

  • [Oracle]: Bruce Tierney - Director for Oracle SOA Suite
  • [Ping Identity]: Loren Russon - VP of Product Management & Design
  • [SOA Software]: Sachin Agarwal - VP, Product Marketing and Strategy
  • [Axway]: Mark O’Neill - VP, Innovation
  • [Red Hat]: Kenny Peeples - JBoss Technology Evangelist

A 2013 Competitive Review of SOA Appliances

  • [IBM]: Michael Curry, VP, WebSphere Foundation, Product Management
  • [Lustratus]: Steve Craggs, Research Director

Personalized, Powerful, Easy-to-Change Business Applications

  • Raphael Allegre - Product Marketing Manager

Harness The Power of Federated Business

  • Loren Russon
    VP of Product Management & Design

Better Business Results with Open Source Integration

  • Kenny Peeples
    JBoss Technology Evangelist

Open Source Integration: Everywhere

  • Rob Davies - Technical Director, Fuse Engineering

Build an Intelligent Integrated Enterprise with On-premise and Cloud Applications

  • Pierre Fricke - Director, Integration and BPM Product Marketing

Boosting Agility and Adoption: A Data-First Approach

  • Bob Ragsdale - Vice President, Marketing

Simplifying Cloud and On-Premises Integration

  • Bruce Tierney
    Director for Oracle SOA Suite

APIs are Simply Services

  • Alistair Farquharson  - CTO

Driving Business Optimization and Integrity with SOA & BPM

  • Bob Laird - Enterprise Architect – SOA Foundation Group

Are APIs and SOA Converging?

  • Sachin Agarwal
    Vice President, Product Marketing and Strategy

Open New Business Opportunities and Address IT Challenges with IBM API Management

  • Laura Olson - Product Line Manager – WebSphere Cast Iron Live Web API Services

FuseSource: Integration Everywhere

  • Rob Davies, CTO FuseSource - Co-Creator ASF Active MQ, Service Mix Camel

API Management: Architecture Best Practices

  • Mark O’Neill
    Vice President, Innovation

Introduction to OAuth 2.0

  • Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Unified Identity in SOA Architectures

  • Pam Dingle - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Bridging the Security Gap Between IT and Developers

  • Bradford Stephens
    Developer Evangelist Office of the CTO

SOA at Any Scale

  • Pat Pruchnickyj - Director, Product Marketing

Best Practices for SOA Governance

  • Ian Goldsmith - VP, Product Management

CLOUD:CON: Security & Management Agenda

  • Name

Integrating Cloud and Mobile for the Responsive Enterprise

  • Bruce Tierney - Director of Oracle SOA Suite

A RESTful pluggable architecture to tackle Big Data in the Cloud

  • Marco Massenzio - Director Engineering (Server & Cloud)

Enterprise API Security Choices - One API - Total Security

  • Blake Dournaee
    Senior Product Manager Expressway Service Gateway

SOA Summit Agenda

Multi-dimensional SOA at the - Edge of Enterprise

  • Hub Vandervoort - CTO, Enterprise Infrastructure 

Overview of Symantec Resources

SOA Summit - Case Study Keynote Panel - February 23 2012

  • Red Hat: Pierre Fricke - Director, Integration and BPM Product Marketing
  • Progress Softare: Hub Vandervoort - CTO, Enterprise Infrastructure 
  • SnapLogic: Marco Massenzio - Director Engineering (Server & Cloud)
  • Ping Identity: Pam Dingle - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO
  • IBM: Bob Laird Enterprise Architect – SOA Foundation Group
  • FuseSource: Rob Davies, CTO FuseSource Co-Creator ASF Active MQ, Service Mix Camel  
  • SOA Software: Ian Goldsmith - VP, Product Management

How To Leverage Cloud To Improve Your Compliance Status

  • Heather Hinton
    IBM Distinguished Engineer
    Cloud Security and Compliance Architecture

Mobile IT Summit Agenda

Cloud Enables Mobile - Mobile Needs Cloud

  • Raj Balasubramanian
    Technical Product Mngr, MobileFirst
  • Erik Kristiansen
    Program Director, Mobile Cloud

Mobile Identity (and not an Identity Mobile)

  • Paul Madsen
    Senior Technical Architect
    Office of the CTO 

Authentication Standards for Mobile Applications

  • Paul Madsen: Senior Technical Architect - Office of the CTO

Tackling the Challenges of Enterprise Mobile Applications

  • Gregg Ostrowski
    Senior Director,
    Enterprise Development &
    Technical Partnerships

Overview of GeoTrust Resources


IBM MobileFirst: Put your Business in Motion

  • Vijay Dheap: Global Product Manager Mobile Security Solutions

AMPchroma: Mobility Now in Full Color

  • Jim Somers, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer
  • Ken Parmelee, Sr Director Product Management

Oracle Service Bus 11g - Extending Oracle SOA Suite Leadership

  • Bruce Tierney - Product Director for Oracle Fusion Middleware Software - focusing on Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Service Bus 

Preparing for Enterprise Mobile Deployment - 3 Ways to Embrace Change

  • Greg Mummah: Product Manager

Mobilizing Enterprise Applications that Customers and Employees Demand

  • Stefan Andreasen, CTO and Founder 

Beyond Process Modeling: Creating Modern Process Driven Applications with BPM

Rise of the Mobile Machines: Oracle’s Solution for Device-to-Data Center

  • Peter Utzschneider: VP of Product Management

Leading the Way for Smarter Mobile Enterprise

  • Greg Truty, Distinguished Engineer, Chief Architect of Mobile (WebSphere)

Smarter Process: Reinventing Business Operations for Customer-Centricity & Topline Growth

Mobile IT Agenda

  • [IBM] Vijay Dheap - Global Product Manager, Mobile Security Solutions
  • [Ping Identity] Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO
  • [Rocket Software] Greg Mummah - Product Manager
  • [Oracle] Peter Utzschneider - Vice President of Product Management

Cloud Services To Power Your Mobile Apps

  • Miko Matsumura  SVP for Platform Marketing and Developer Relations

How Case Management turns BPM on its Head

The Challenges of Enterprise Mobility

  • Mary Brittain-White: CEO and Founder