Results for ML

MapR Adds Deep Kubernetes Integration To Ease Support for AI/ML & Dynamic Apps, Workloads

MapR Technologies is making it easier to build and run AI/ML, analytics and other dynamic workload projects. The MapR Data Platform’s native Kubernetes integration can scale compute and storage resources independently. IDN talks with MapR’s Suzy Visvanathan.

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Cloudera, ParallelM Partnership To Boost Power of Machine Learning in Production

Cloudera, in partnership with ParallelM, aims to deliver super-scale to machine learning capabilities during operations and production.  The latest partnership comes as the Cloudera / Hortonworks merger became official last month, and the newly-combined company’s vision for AI/ML and new-gen analytics begins to take shape.

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Snowflake, DataRobot Partner To Bring AI to Data Warehouse-as-a-Service

Snowflake Computing is partnering with DataRobot and its advanced enterprise automated machine learning platform. The goal is to bring AI to huge caches of enterprise data held in Snowflake cloud-based data warehouse installations

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